Vendor Service Strategies: HVAC Business

The HVAC market is changing. To succeed in service OEMs must up their game, expand their offerings and upgrade their sales and operational capabilities. And the competition is not standing still.
Benchmarking Industrial Services: A Methodology Outline

Benchmarking is a powerful tool for improving performance. In industrial services, it has been underused partly because services are more difficult to benchmark and partly because companies didn’t see a pressing need for it. But as service becomes more of a competitive focal point managements face pressure to up their game and benchmarking is gaining in importance.
Augmented Reality Deployment in Service For Maximum Cost Impact

Digitization enables continuously increasing automation in business execution, operations, and decision making. As a matter of course, this not only opens up numerous opportunities for major improvements, for example in productivity, but, when certain thresholds are reached, fundamentally changes the nature of the business and brings therefore numerous risks.
Internet of Things: Strategic Options for OEMs in Industrial Services

In leveraging the IIoT for topline growth OEMs face difficult strategic choices. They all require significant commitment and investment. But not getting involved is not an option.
Technology is servitizing the value paradigm. Time to change management thinking

As digitization servitizes business models it is also shifting the source of value -from products to data and information. For most product companies this is an existential threat. But for a few a big opportunity. Almost 10 years ago, Nokia, then still the global leader in mobile phones, was busy undertaking project after project to […]
How digitization is changing the competitive space in industrial after-sales services

Digitization enables continuously increasing automation in business execution, operations, and decision making. As a matter of course, this not only opens up numerous opportunities for major improvements, for example in productivity, but, when certain thresholds are reached, fundamentally changes the nature of the business and brings therefore numerous risks.
The Challenges of Solutions Strategies

A successful solutions business is hard to implement. Whether or not it is the right competitive approach depends on a company’s relative strength in the market, how well it knows its customers and to what extent it is willing to invest in the necessary capabilities and see through the many required operational and organizational realignments. Most of all though, it depends on whether the company can integrate products and/or services in such a way that the total provides more value than the sum of its parts.