Strategy and Organisation
We help clients design and execute service based strategies to build market and competitive advantage and sustain it in the future. We work with managements and their key stakeholders to outline choices and develop the actions required, while improving strategic planning processes and boosting the organization’s execution capabilities, decision making and capacity to initiate and manage change.
We start by understanding market, competitive and technology trends in a rapidly evolving environment; seek out opportunities and identify disruptive threats and changes to the rules of the game. We then help develop new ideas and design business models and offerings portfolios that provide the best potential to create value. Our analysis includes identifying “hidden” strategic assets (resources, capabilities, data) as well as gaps to close and necessary investments.
Our recommendations are based on robust data and emphasize action planning and systematic execution. Our focused expertise allows us to provide deep insights into key issues, while at the same time sharing perspectives from different industries and sectors.
Key focus areas:
- Market Dynamics and Industry Economics
- Industry Value Networks
- Demand and Customer Buying Behavior – Willingness to Pay
- New Markets – New Services
- Digitization and Servitization
- Competitive Benchmarking
- Business Models, Revenue Models and Offerings
- Pricing
- Risk Management
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Organizational Design
- Management of Change
- Coaching to Business Objectives
- Training
Programs and Workshops
Facilitated Team Workshops
Facilitated Team Workshops
Service Operations Assessment
Service Operations Assessment
Designing the Organization - Managing Change
Companies undergoing service transformation as part of their strategy, must align their processes, structure and culture towards enabling the new direction and achieving business objectives. They need to be very clear on their vision and their strategic intent.This is important because service transitions change the company’s value proposition and hence its operating system. A new structure must bring products and services into a symbiotic alignment with minimum internal tensions. Friction or internal competition not only confuse customers, but can lead to inadvertent undermining of both product and service offerings, reputation damage, high coordination costs and lost opportunities. Many efforts to enhance and compete through services fail because of discrepancies between strategy, culture and structure: Managements continue to define their business in product terms while pursuing a service driven strategy and they do not take sufficiently into account the consequences of organisational actions.
We help managements understand how service driven change affects market positioning, customer relationships and the value creation process. Our work helps ensure the design and integration of service organizations supports new strategic priorities; Enables scaling across markets and geographies, supports growth and improves and sustains performance. We identify needs for culture change and emphasize alignment of incentives, inter-organisational relationships and cooperation. We challenge biases, help minimize political agendas and reduce internal friction. We further provide the framework for clear accountabilities and robust governance, addressing the need to reduce complexity. Furthermore we analyse and determine needs and required capabilities for key roles and positions. Once the organisational redesign has been completed, we support our clients in implementation and rapid value realization.

Internet of Things: Strategic Options for OEMs in Industrial Services

Technology is servitizing the value paradigm. Time to change management thinking

How digitization is changing the competitive space in industrial after-sales services